A delicate combination of fast music, blues, and all out insanity.

As Seattle has been one of the most talked about Lindy Exchanges out there, I pondered…who am I to pass up such a great opportunity such as this?  Apparently, about 200-300 people had that exact same thought.  or maybe some deviation of that thought.  or maybe it went along the lines of “Wow, there’s going to be some kick’arse women/men there!”  (Including the infamous Skadoo) or “Hot Damn!  I feel the need to dance to some 200+ bpm song while totally experiencing the whole tribal rhythym.”  or maybe it was just subconcious that anyone who is anyone should be there.  It was all of that and a bag of really finely cooked salmon.


Hosted by the lovely, talented, and sexy Mrrree and her beau Jeremy, I was able to browse the finer locations of Seattle, from their balcony.  Completely, on a whim, on Thursday night, I attended a performance workshop by Zah-Zu-Zay (2002 American Lindy Hop Championship winners) which we later performed that night.  I was also “properly introduced” to the Meghan/Mrreee combo of Seattle fame.  After some food and going through my 3rd or 4th wind, I was ready to crash.  Which, I did.  Quiet successfully, I might add.  The next morning, another Dallas-ite, Heather Leigh Smith, and I went roaming around downtown Seattle for some dancing with the local band “Dusty 45’s“.  Later on…there was more dancing.  And even after that…even more dancing.


Next few days…guess what?  More dancingRandom blues-ing. There was also some beach side activities and cutting up that happened about every time I heard someone scream out, “Tommy!  Come over here…and bring your camera!”  Oh yeah…lots of good naughty-ness with the Austin Lindy Exchange paddle.  We also got to visit the famous Pike’s Fish Market.  One of my favorite dances was in the heart of Seattle, where some “Got Milk?” advertisement campaign tried setting up a concert across the street from us, but they only lasted 30 seconds, because they knew that they couldn’t compete with the entertainment provided by 200 people from all over the world (Including France and Australia, let alone 6 people from Texas!).  That place is also where I think that I got the best picture of the exchange.  It’s also where Will finally got to invoke his revenge on an old water fight from the Salt Lake City Exchange.  Thankfully, Melissa’s a good sport.

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